Surgery Rooms

The Surgery Core has designated custom-built Surgery Rooms. All surgery rooms have laboratory space assigned for complex surgeries and small surgical procedures.


Inspira Advanced Safety Single Animal Pressure/Volume Controlled Ventilator:

  • Inspira Advanced Safety Single Animal Pressure/Volume Controlled Ventilator:
  • Easy to use and volume-controlled;
  • Airway pressure monitoring detects over/under pressurization of lungs;
  • Assist Mode helps wean animal off the ventilator;
  • Built in sigh breath maintains optimal lung functioning;
  • Adjustable Inspiration/Expiration (I:E) ratio (1:4 to 4:1);
  • Has the ability to ventilate with air or non-flammable anesthetic gases;
  • Quiet

Gas Anesthesia System/Anesthetic Vaporizers

Dissecting microscope with a pro-scope video camera

Other Equipment