CSB paper "Dextran-Coated Iron Oxide Nanoparticles: A Versatile Platform for Targeted Molecular Imaging, Molecular Diagnostics, and Therapy" is #3 on the list of Most Read Articles in Accounts of Chemical Research.
The MGH Center for Faculty Development is pleased to announce that Dennis Brown, PhD will assume the position of Director, Office for Research Career Development effective December 1, 2011
"Stopping monocytes in their tracks" - CSB work is a Nature Reviews Immunology Highlight (pdf)
MIT News features work of Mazitschek Group on microarray identification of small molecules that enhance synaptogenesis. (pdf)
CSB plays a major role in the newly launched Initiative in Systems Pharmacology at Harvard Medical School.
Recent CSB work on imaging heart infection (Panizzi, Nahrendorf et al.) has been highlighted in Science and Science Translation Medicine
Jonathan Carlson, MD, PhD has been chosen as an excellent educator within the Harvard Medical School Community in recognition of his enthusiasm and passion for teaching.
Sylvie Breton, PhD has been named the 2011 MGH Research Scholars for work on intercellular communication through novel cell structures.
Rabi Upadhyay has been selected to receive one of the Medical Research Fellowships of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
Dennis Brown, PhD has been elected to serve on The National Council of the American Physiological Society
The editors of JACC feature our work (Panizzi et al.) on monocyte subsets in infarct healing in "Highlights of the Year in JACC 2010" (pdf)
Recent PNAS paper by Dr. Higgins is highlighted in the New England Journal of Medicine (pdf)
New Science Labs web site launches with redesigned view of the CSB article - http://labs.sciencemag.org/splenic/
Dr. Shaw's PNAS research paper is featured on the Broad Institute Blog and on Nature SciBX: Science-Business eXchange