In vivo microscopy

With support from the Olympus Corporation, the CSB in vivo Microscopy Core offers state-of-the-art intravital flourescence imaging capability. The mission of the Facility is to

  • Perform basic research using state-of-the-art optical imaging equipment
  • Develop new applications and techniques aimed at understanding, biology
  • Provide the MGH community with access to innovative new imaging systems
  • Provide training and serve as a learning resource

Related imaging resources at CSB with additional capabilities can be found at the Mouse Imaging Platform, the Advanced Microscopy Platform and the Microscopy Core.

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Recent Publications



Aaron Aguirre, MD, PhD has received a 2017 Physician/Scientist Development Award for “Morphology and Dynamic Functions of Pericytes in the Heart.” The project will use state-of-the-art microscopy techniques to better understand the role of pericytes—unique cells that line the outer walls of the smallest blood vessels in the heart.


Dont forget to register for the upcoming Harvard CME course on Molecular Imaging. The course is being chaired by Drs. Frangioni and Weissleder and features over 30 invited speakers covering all topics of molecular imaging. More information can be found here.