Ongoing clinical projects
Micro-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance based detection of circulating tumor cells directly in whole blood
Cesar M. Castro, MD; Hakho Lee, PhD; Ralph Weissleder, MD, PhD
The overall goal of this project is to optimize and leverage magnetic resonance based nanotechnologies and bio-orthogonal chemistries to detect circulating tumor cells directly in whole blood.
Status: Open for enrollment
Type of trial: Translational
Collaborators: Michael J. Birrer, MD, PhD
Funding: Department of Defense
Publications: Submitted
Development of a rapid Diagnostic Magnetic Resonance assay to assess response to an irreversible pan-HER tyrosine kinase inhibitor in adult glioblastoma multiforme patients with EGFR amplification
Cesar M. Castro, MD; Hakho Lee, PhD; Ralph Weissleder, MD, PhD
To determine whether the level or activation status of EGFR pathway proteins detected by a novel DMR based assay can predict response and/or detect progression during treatment with a novel irreversible pan-HER tyrosine kinase inhibitor.
Status: Open for enrollment
Type of trial: Clinical Trial; Intervention
Collaborators: Andrew Chi, MD, PhD; Tracy Batchelor, MD; Xandra Breakefield, PhD
Funding: Ivy Foundation
Publications: Ongoing Trial
Customizing a micro-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance assay to specifically detect and profile cancer cells in ascites from women with ovarian cancer
Cesar M. Castro, MD; Hakho Lee, PhD; Ralph Weissleder, MD, PhD
To develop an assay to rapidly detect and profile a rationally derived panel of ovarian cancer proteins in ascites from women with ovarian cancer. To determine whether protein profiles correlate with clinical outcomes.
Status: Open for enrollment
Type of trial: Clinical Trial; Translational
Collaborators: Michael J. Birrer, MD, PhD; Richard Penson, MD; Carolyn Krasner, MD
Funding: Department of Defense
Publications: Ongoing Trial
Clinical Trials in planning
Comparative analyses of circulating tumor cells with primary tumors using magnetic resonance
Cesar M. Castro, MD; Hakho Lee, PhD; Ralph Weissleder, MD, PhD
Usine micro-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance to molecularly characterize and compare circulating tumor cells and primary tumors. To ascertain whether changes in number and molecular profile of circulating tumor cells occur over a course of chemotherapy.
Status: Under IRB review
Type of Trial: Clinical trial; Imaging; Translational
Funding: National Institutes of Health
Publications: n/a
Clinical Trials Completed
Micro-NMR for Rapid Molecular Analyses of Human Tumor Samples
To rapidly detect and profile cancer-related proteins in fine needle aspirates derived from patients with solid epithelial tumors.
Cesar M. Castro, MD; Hakho Lee, PhD; Ralph Weissleder, MD, PhD
Status: Completed
Type of trial: Translational
Funding: National Institutes of Health
Publications: Science Translational Medicine 2011 Feb 23; 3(71):71ra16