Vinegoni, Claudio, PhD

Assistant Professor

In vivo Microscopy Core

Phone: (617) 643-6137
Lab: Weissleder, Ralph

The current research activity involves the development of novel optical mesoscopic molecular imaging techniques that allow to generate in-vivo three-dimensional data in optically diffusive non-transparent living organisms with a size up to a few millimeters (e.g. Drosophila Melanogaster, Zebrafish) providing both in-vivo anatomical and functional imaging.

At the same time we are committed into the development of new fluorescence molecular tomography (FMT) techniques in diffusive regime for whole mouse imaging. Other research activities involve in vivo near infrared fluorescence imaging of protease activity in rabbit models of atherosclerosis and the development of novel fiber based imaging systems, and the development of combined optical and opto-acoustic multispectral tomographic imaging for in-vivo imaging applications.

Other macro and mesoscopic imaging technique are pursued such as Born normalized Optical Projection Tomography with molecular contrast for ex-vivo small animal and whole organ imaging. This technique provides detailed tomographic reconstruction of morphology and molecular probes within tissue with resolution up to 5 microns in entire organs (e.g. heart, brain, kidney, etc) and can complement in-vivo imaging techniques such as FMT and MPM.

We are developing new applications for novel microscopy imaging systems and design and conduct cutting-edge experiments. In particular we are interested in providing new techniques for motion compensation for multiphoton microscopy in order to avoid artifacts due to respiratory and cardiac motion. Both hardware and software based approaches are conducted.

Selected Publications (from total 109)

  • Lee S, Vinegoni C, Feruglio PF, Fexon L, Gorbatov R, Pivovarov M, Sbarbati A, Nahrendorf M, Weissleder R Real-time in vivo imaging of the beating mouse heart at microscopic resolution. Nat Commun. 2012;3:1054 - PMID: 22968700 - PMCID: PMC3622400 - DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2060

  • Haase A, Rigosi E, Frasnelli E, Trona F, Tessarolo F, Vinegoni C, Anfora G, Vallortigara G, Antolini R A multimodal approach for tracing lateralisation along the olfactory pathway in the honeybee through electrophysiological recordings, morpho-functional imaging, and behavioural studies. Eur Biophys J. 2011;40(11):1247-1258 - PMID: 21956452 - PMCID: PMC3366498 - DOI: 10.1007/s00249-011-0748-6

  • Reiner T, Thurber G, Gaglia J, Vinegoni C, Liew CW, Upadhyay R, Kohler RH, Li L, Kulkarni RN, Benoist C, Mathis D, Weissleder R Accurate measurement of pancreatic islet {beta}-cell mass using a second-generation fluorescent exendin-4 analog. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011;108(31):12815-20 - PMID: 21768367 - PMCID: PMC3150928 - DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1109859108

  • Vinegoni C, Botnaru I, Aikawa E, Calfon MA, Iwamoto Y, Folco EJ, Ntziachristos V, Weissleder R, Libby P, Jaffer FA Indocyanine Green Enables Near-Infrared Fluorescence Imaging of Lipid-Rich, Inflamed Atherosclerotic Plaques. Sci Transl Med. 2011;3 (84) ra45):84ra45 - PMID: 21613624 - PMCID: PMC3112179 - DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.3001577

  • Haase A, Rigosi E, Trona F, Anfora G, Vallortigara G, Antolini R, Vinegoni C In-vivo two-photon imaging of the honey bee antennal lobe. Biomed Opt Express. 2010;2(1):131-8 - PMID: 21326643 - PMCID: PMC3028488 - DOI: 10.1364/BOE.1.000131

  • Gros J, Hu JK, Vinegoni C, Feruglio PF, Weissleder R, Tabin CJ WNT5A/JNK and FGF/MAPK Pathways Regulate the Cellular Events Shaping the Vertebrate Limb Bud. Curr Top Dev Biol. 2010;20(22):1993-2002 - PMID: 21055947 - PMCID: PMC2998074 - DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2010.09.063

  • Fumene Feruglio P, Vinegoni C, Gros J, Sbarbati A, Weissleder R Block matching 3D random noise filtering for absorption optical projection tomography. Phys Med Biol. 2010;55(18):5401-5415 - PMID: 20736500 - PMCID: PMC2934766 - DOI: 10.1088/0031-9155/55/18/009

  • Nahrendorf M, Keliher E, Marinelli B, Waterman P, Feruglio PF, Fexon L, Pivovarov M, Swirski FK, Pittet MJ, Vinegoni C, Weissleder R Hybrid PET-optical imaging using targeted probes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010;107(17):7910-5 - PMID: 20385821 - PMCID: PMC2867879 - DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0915163107

  • Vinegoni C, Fumene Feruglio P, Cortez-Retamozo V, Razansky D, Medoff BD, Ntziachristos V, Sbarbati A, Pittet M, Weissleder R Imaging of molecular probe activity with Born-normalized fluorescence optical projection tomography. Opt Lett. 2010;35(7):1088-90 - PMID: 20364226 - PMCID: PMC2900933 - DOI: 10.1364/OL.35.001088

  • Vinegoni C, Fexon L, Fumene Feruglio P, Pivovarov M, Figueiredo JL, Nahrendorf M, Pozzo A, Sbarbati A, Weissleder R High throughput transmission optical projection tomography using low cost graphics processing unit. Opt Express. 2009;17(25):22320-22332 - PMID: 20052155 - PMCID: PMC2805020 - DOI: 10.1364/OE.17.022320

  • Tsai CC, Vinegoni C, Weissleder R Diffractionless beam in free space with adiabatic changing refractive index in a single mode tapered slab waveguide. Opt Express. 2009;17(24):21723-31 - PMID: 19997414 - PMCID: PMC2805120 - DOI: 10.1364/OE.17.021723

  • Vinegoni C, Razansky D, Hilderbrand SA, Shao F, Ntziachristos V, Weissleder R Transillumination fluorescence imaging in mice using biocompatible upconverting nanoparticles. Opt Lett. 2009;34(17):2566-8 - PMID: 19724491 - PMCID: PMC2749971 - DOI: 10.1364/OL.34.002566

  • Razansky D, Distel M, Vinegoni C, Ma R, Perrimon N, Koster RW, Ntziachristos V Multispectral opto-acoustic tomography of deep-seated fluorescent proteins in vivo. Nat Photonics. 2009;3:412 - 417

  • Jaffer FA, Vinegoni C, John MC, Aikawa E, Gold HK, Finn AV, Ntziachristos V, Libby P, Weissleder R Real-Time Catheter Molecular Sensing of Inflammation in Proteolytically Active Atherosclerosis. Circulation. 2008;118(18):1802-9 - PMID: 18852366 - PMCID: PMC2729441 - DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.108.785881