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Kisoo Park and Jongmin Park were awarded with the prestigious post-doctoral research fellowship from National Research Foundation, Korea. Congratulations!


A multidisciplinary team lead by Dr. Herbert Y. Lin and including CSB members Dr. Dennis Ausiello, Dr. Stanley Shaw, and Dr. Ravi Thadhani, Chief of Nephrology, working with Professor Michael Cima of the MIT Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, have won a MGH-MIT Strategic Partnership Grand Challenge in Diagnostics larger grant. The award will support the development of a portable, noninvasive device capable of accurately measuring blood volume using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). In addition, Dr. Lin is a Co-Investigator on a winning smaller grant lead by Dr. Anthony Samir of the Department of Radiology for the adaptation of an optical system for localizing the position of ultrasound transducers, which compensates for individual operator differences, to the noninvasive monitoring of tissue loss in chronic kidney disease. (pdf) A National Public Radio interview and article related to the MGH-MIT Grand Challenge grants featuring Drs. Lin, Ausiello and Cima appeared recently.


CSB, ETRI (Electronic and Telecommunication Research Institute, Korea) and KBRI (Korea Brain Research Institute) have signed an MoU on research collaboration and academic exchange. The agreement is expected to promote international cooperation between these Institutions of complementary expertise, towards developing new sensing technologies.


CSB work on bone marrow stem cells featured on TV - Channel 4 TV Boston (CBS). (mp4)


Ralph Weissleder, MD, PhD is listed among “The World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds”. In order to be included on the list researchers had to publish the highest number of articles that rank among those most frequently cited by fellow researchers. (pdf)


CSB PMB work on high resolution imaging of the kidney using helium ion microscopy (Rice et al., PLoSONE 8(3); e57051, 2013) was featured recently in the annual report from the NIDDK (Recent Advances and Emerging Opportunities) under the heading “A closer look at kidney structure”. (pdf)


Congratulations to Hyungsoon Im, PhD and Miles Miller, PhD who won MGH ORCD 2014 Research Fellows Poster Celebration Awards.


Matthias Nahrendorf, MD, PhD received the MGH Research Scholar award.


Aaron Aguirre, MD, PhD has been awarded a John S. LaDue Memorial Fellowship at Harvard Medical School. Congratulations, Aaron!


Filip Swirski, PhD, is the recipient of the 2014 MGH Howard Goodman Fellowship. This highly competitive $300,000 award is intended "to support the pursuit of excellence by young scientists of uncommon passion and ability". Congratulations Fil!


Aaron Aguirre, MD, PhD has been awarded the Eugene Braunwald Fellowship in Cardiovascular Medicine and Science. Congratulations, Aaron!


NIH Director's Blog features CSB work on DNA Barcoding (pdf)


CSB paper published in Science Translational Medicine is featured in the Focus commentary