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Shaw SY, Brettman AD
Phenotyping patient-derived cells for translational studies in cardiovascular disease.
Circulation. 2011;124(22):2444-55 - PMID: 22125190 - PMCID: PMC3263367 - DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.111.043943
Robbins CS, Chudnovskiy A, Rauch PJ, Figueiredo JL, Iwamoto Y, Gorbatov R, Etzrodt M, Weber GF, Ueno T, van Rooijen N, Mulligan-Kehoe MJ, Libby P, Nahrendorf M, Pittet MJ, Weissleder R, Swirski FK
Extramedullary Hematopoiesis Generates Ly-6Chigh Monocytes that Infiltrate Atherosclerotic Lesions.
Circulation. 2011;125(2):364-74 - PMID: 22144566 - PMCID: PMC3263762 - DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.111.061986
Moon H, Park HE, Kang J, Lee H, Cheong C, Lim YT, Ihm SH, Seung KB, Jaffer FA, Narula J, Chang K, Hong KS
Noninvasive Assessment of Myocardial Inflammation by Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance in a Rat Model of Experimental Autoimmune Myocarditis.
Circulation. 2012;125(21):2603-12 - PMID: 22550157 - DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.111.075283
Degousee N, Simpson J, Fazel S, Scholich K, Angoulvant D, Angioni C, Schmidt H, Korotkova M, Stefanski E, Wang XH, Lindsay TF, Ofek E, Pierre S, Butany J, Jakobsson PJ, Keating A, Li RK, Nahrendorf M, Geisslinger G, Backx PH, Rubin BB
Lack of Microsomal Prostaglandin E2 Synthase-1 in Bone Marrow Derived Myeloid Cells Impairs Left Ventricular Function and Increases Mortality after Acute Myocardial Infarction.
Circulation. 2012;125(23):2904-13 - PMID: 22589381 - DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.112.099754
Majmudar MD, Keliher EJ, Heidt T, Leuschner F, Truelove J, Sena BF, Gorbatov R, Iwamoto Y, Dutta P, Wojtkiewicz G, Courties G, Sebas M, Borodovsky A, Fitzgerald K, Nolte MW, Dickneite G, Chen JW, Anderson DG, Swirski FK, Weissleder R, Nahrendorf M
Monocyte-Directed RNAi Targeting CCR2 Improves Infarct Healing in Atherosclerosis-Prone Mice.
Circulation. 2013;127(20):2038-2046 - PMID: 23616627 - PMCID: PMC3661714 - DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.112.000116
Kumar V, Patel N, Van Houzen N, Saini N
Brugada-type electrocardiographic changes induced by Fever.
Circulation. 2013;127(21):2145-6 - PMID: 23716383 - DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.112.000901
Kroll MW, Lakkireddy DR, Stone JR, Luceri RM
TASER Electronic Control Devices and Cardiac Arrests: Coincidental or Causal?
Circulation. 2014;129(1):93-100 - PMID: 24396012 - DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.113.004401
Hilgendorf I, Theurl I, Gerhardt LM, Robbins CS, Weber GF, Gonen A, Iwamoto Y, Degousee N, Holderried TA, Winter C, Zirlik A, Lin HY, Sukhova GK, Butany J, Rubin BB, Witztum JL, Libby P, Nahrendorf M, Weissleder R, Swirski FK
Innate Response Activator B Cells Aggravate Atherosclerosis by Stimulating TH1 Adaptive Immunity.
Circulation. 2014;129(16):1677-87 - PMID: 24488984 - PMCID: PMC3997655 - DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.113.006381
Hara T, Truelove J, Tawakol A, Wojtkiewicz GR, Hucker WJ, MacNabb MH, Brownell AL, Jokivarsi K, Kessinger CW, Jaff MR, Henke PK, Weissleder R, Jaffer FA
FDG-PET/CT Enables the Detection of Recurrent Same-Site Deep Vein Thrombosis by Illuminating Recently Formed, Neutrophil-Rich Thrombus.
Circulation. 2014;130(13):1044-52 - PMID: 25070665 - PMCID: PMC4174982 - DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.114.008902
Tawakol A, Hara T, Truelove J, Wojtkiewicz GR, Hucker WJ, MacNabb MH, Brownell AL, Jokivarsi K, Kessinger CW, Jaff MR, Henke PK, Weissleder R, Jaffer FA
Response to Letter Regarding Article, "18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography Enables the Detection of Recurrent Same-Site Deep Vein Thrombosis by Illuminating Recently Formed, Neutrophil-Rich Thrombus"
Circulation. 2015;131(24):e531-2 - PMID: 26078375 - DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.115.014802
Sager HB, Heidt T, Hulsmans M, Dutta P, Courties G, Sebas M, Wojtkiewicz GR, Tricot B, Iwamoto Y, Sun Y, Weissleder R, Libby P, Swirski FK, Nahrendorf M
Targeting Interleukin-1β Reduces Leukocyte Production After Acute Myocardial Infarction.
Circulation. 2015;132(20):1880-90 - PMID: 26358260 - PMCID: PMC4651795 - DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.115.016160
Cremer S, Nahrendorf M
Myeloid Cells Remodel the Mitral Valve.
Circulation. 2018;137(23):2494-2496 - PMID: 29866774 - PMCID: PMC5992497 - DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.118.033622
Hoyer FF, Nahrendorf M
Uremic Toxins Activate Macrophages.
Circulation. 2019;139(1):97-100 - PMID: 30592654 - PMCID: PMC6394415 - DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.118.037308
RamÍrez CM, Zhang X, Bandyopadhyay C, Rotllan N, Sugiyama MG, Aryal B, Liu X, He S, Kraehling JR, Ulrich V, Lin CS, Velazquez H, Lasunción MA, Li G, Suárez Y, Tellides G, Swirski FK, Lee WL, Schwartz MA, Sessa WC, Fernández-Hernando C
Caveolin-1 Regulates Atherogenesis by Attenuating LDL Transcytosis and Vascular Inflammation Independent of Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Activation.
Circulation. 2019;140(3):225-239 - PMID: 31154825 - PMCID: PMC6778687 - DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.118.038571
Wang Y, Sano S, Oshima K, Sano M, Watanabe Y, Katanasaka Y, Yura Y, Jung C, Anzai A, Swirski FK, Gokce N, Walsh K
Wnt5a-Mediated Neutrophil Recruitment Has an Obligatory Role in Pressure Overload-Induced Cardiac Dysfunction.
Circulation. 2019;140(6):487-499 - PMID: 31170826 - PMCID: PMC6684855 - DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.118.038820
Hoyer FF, Zhang X, Coppin E, Vasamsetti SB, Modugu G, Schloss MJ, Rohde D, McAlpine CS, Iwamoto Y, Libby P, Naxerova K, Swirski FK, Dutta P, Nahrendorf M
Bone Marrow Endothelial Cells Regulate Myelopoiesis in Diabetes.
Circulation. 2020;142(3):244-258 - PMID: 32316750 - PMCID: PMC7375017 - DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.120.046038
Xiao L, Salem JE, Clauss S, Hanley A, Bapat A, Hulsmans M, Iwamoto Y, Wojtkiewicz G, Cetinbas M, Schloss MJ, Tedeschi J, Lebrun-Vignes B, Lundby A, Sadreyev RI, Moslehi JJ, Nahrendorf M, Ellinor PT, Milan DJ
Ibrutinib-Mediated Atrial Fibrillation Due to Inhibition of CSK.
Circulation. 2020;142(25):2443-2455 - PMID: 33092403 - PMCID: PMC9661397 - DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.120.049210
Nahrendorf M
Response by Nahrendorf to Letter Regarding Article, "Bone Marrow Endothelial Cells Regulate Myelopoiesis in Diabetes Mellitus".
Circulation. 2021;143(2):e7-e8 - PMID: 33428432 - PMCID: PMC7939058 - DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.120.051633
Bapat A, Schloss MJ, Yamazoe M, Grune J, Hulsmans M, Milan DJ, Nahrendorf M, Ellinor PT
A Mouse Model of Atrial Fibrillation in Sepsis.
Circulation. 2023;147(13):1047-1049 - PMID: 36972346 - PMCID: PMC10057612 - DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.122.060317
Grune J, Bajpai G, Ocak PT, Kaufmann E, Mentkowksi K, Pabel S, Kumowski N, Pulous FE, Tran KA, Rohde D, Zhang S, Iwamoto Y, Wojtkiewicz GR, Vinegoni C, Green U, Swirski FK, Stone JR, Lennerz JK, Divangahi M, Hulsmans M, Nahrendorf M
Virus-Induced Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Causes Cardiomyopathy Through Eliciting Inflammatory Responses in the Heart.
Circulation. 2024;150(1):49-61 - PMID: 38506045 - PMCID: PMC11216864 - DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.066433
Liong M, Shao H, Haun JB, Lee H, Weissleder R
Carboxymethylated Polyvinyl Alcohol Stabilizes Doped Ferrofluids for Biological Applications.
Adv Mater. 2010;22(45):5168-72 - PMID: 20859943 - PMCID: PMC2993874 - DOI: 10.1002/adma.201002219
Liong M, Tassa C, Shaw SY, Lee H, Weissleder R
Multiplexed Magnetic Labeling Amplification Using Oligonucleotide Hybridization.
Adv Mater. 2011;23(36):H254-7 - PMID: 21780311 - PMCID: PMC3584698 - DOI: 10.1002/adma.201101401
Yoon TJ*, Lee H*, Shao H, Hilderbrand SA, Weissleder R
Multicore Assemblies Potentiate Magnetic Properties of Biomagnetic Nanoparticles.
Adv Mater. 2011;23(41):4793-7 - PMID: 21953810 - PMCID: PMC3224986 - DOI: 10.1002/adma.201102948
Hong S, Pirovich D, Kilcoyne A, Huang CH, Lee H, Weissleder R
Supramolecular Metallo-Bioadhesive for Minimally Invasive Use
Adv Mater. 2016;28(39):8675-8680 - PMID: 27515068 - PMCID: PMC5144581 - DOI: 10.1002/adma.201602606
Im H, Bantz KC, Lee SH, Johnson TW, Haynes CL, Oh SH
Self-assembled plasmonic nanoring cavity arrays for SERS and LSPR biosensing.
Adv Mater. 2013;25(19):2678-85 - PMID: 23436239 - DOI: 10.1002/adma.201204283
Kilic T, Gessner I, Cho Y, Jeong N, Quintana J, Weissleder R, Lee H
Zwitterionic polymer electroplating facilitates the preparation of electrode surface for biosensing.
Adv Mater. 2021;34(8):e2107892 - PMID: 34890082 - PMCID: PMC8881349 - DOI: 10.1002/adma.202107892
Ferdosi S, Stukalov A, Hasan M, Tangeysh B, Brown TR, Wang T, Elgierari EM, Zhao X, Huang Y, Alavi A, Lee-McMullen B, Chu J, Figa M, Tao W, Wang J, Goldberg M, O'Brien ES, Xia H, Stolarczyk C, Weissleder R, Farias V, Batzoglou S, Siddiqui A, Farokhzad OC, Hornburg D
Enhanced competition at the nano-bio interface enables comprehensive characterization of protein corona dynamics and deep coverage of proteomes.
Adv Mater. 2022;34(44):e2206008 - PMID: 35986672 - DOI: 10.1002/adma.202206008
Lugani S*, Halabi EA*, Oh J, Kohler R, Peterson H, Breakefield XO, Chiocca EAA, Miller MA, Garris C, Weissleder R
Dual Immunostimulatory Pathway Agonism through a Synthetic Nanocarrier Triggers Robust Anti-Tumor Immunity in Murine Glioblastoma.
Adv Mater. 2022;35(7):e2208782 - PMID: 36427266 - PMCID: PMC10197197 - DOI: 10.1002/adma.202208782
Carrow KP, Hamilton HL, Hopps MP, Li Y, Qiao B, Payne NC, Thompson MP, Zhang X, Magassa A, Fattah M, Agarwal S, Vincent MP, Buyanova M, Bertin PA, Mazitschek R, Olvera de la Cruz M, Johnson DA, Johnson JA, Gianneschi NC
Inhibiting the Keap1/Nrf2 Protein-Protein Interaction with Protein-Like Polymers.
Adv Mater. 2024;36(21):e2311467 - PMID: 38241649 - PMCID: PMC11257647 - DOI: 10.1002/adma.202311467
Kang M, Quintana J, Hu H, Teixeira VC, Olberg S, Banla LI, Rodriguez V, Hwang WL, Schuemann J, Parangi S, Weissleder R, Miller MA
Sustained and Localized Drug Depot Release using Radiation-Activated Scintillating Nanoparticles.
Adv Mater. 2024;36(23):e2312326 - PMID: 38389502 - PMCID: PMC11161319 - DOI: 10.1002/adma.202312326
Rodell CB, Arlauckas SP, Cuccarese MF, Garris CS, Li R, Ahmed MS, Kohler RH, Pittet MJ, Weissleder R
TLR7/8-agonist-loaded nanoparticles promote the polarization of tumour-associated macrophages to enhance cancer immunotherapy.
Nat Biomed Eng. 2018;2:578-588 - PMID: 31015631 - PMCID: PMC6192054 - DOI: 10.1038/s41551-018-0236-8
Im H, Pathania D, McFarland PJ, Sohani AR, Degani I, Allen M, Coble M, Kilcoyne A, Hong S, Rohrer L, Abramson JS, Dryden-Peterson S, Fexon L, Pivovarov M, Chabner B, Lee H, Castro CM, Weissleder R
Design and clinical validation of a point-of-care device for the diagnosis of lymphoma via contrast- enhanced microholography and machine learning
Nat Biomed Eng. 2018;2(9):666-674 - PMID: 30555750 - PMCID: PMC6291220 - DOI: 10.1038/s41551-018-0265-3
Lameijer M, Binderup T, van Leent MMT, Senders ML, Fay F, Malkus J, Sanchez-Gaytan BL, Teunissen AJP, Karakatsanis N, Robson P, Zhou X, Ye Y, Wojtkiewicz G, Tang J, Seijkens TTP, Kroon J, Stroes ESG, Kjaer A, Ochando J, Reiner T, Pérez-Medina C, Calcagno C, Fisher EA, Zhang B, Temel RE, Swirski FK, Nahrendorf M, Fayad ZA, Lutgens E, Mulder WJM, Duivenvoorden R
Efficacy and safety assessment of a TRAF6-targeted nanoimmunotherapy in atherosclerotic mice and non-human primates.
Nat Biomed Eng. 2018;2(5):279-292 - PMID: 30936448 - PMCID: PMC6447057 - DOI: 10.1038/s41551-018-0221-2
Lee H, Castro CM
Thermophoretically enriched detection.
Nat Biomed Eng. 2019;3(3):163-164 - PMID: 30948812 - DOI: 10.1038/s41551-019-0364-9
Weissleder R, Pittet MJ
The expanding landscape of inflammatory cells affecting cancer therapy
Nat Biomed Eng. 2020;4(5):489-498 - PMID: 32203281 - PMCID: PMC7405944 - DOI: 10.1038/s41551-020-0524-y
Krohn-Grimberghe M, Mitchell MJ, Schloss MJ, Khan OF, Courties G, Guimaraes PPG, Rohde D, Cremer S, Kowalski PS, Sun Y, Tan M, Webster J, Wang K, Iwamoto Y, Schmidt SP, Wojtkiewicz GR, Nayar R, Frodermann V, Hulsmans M, Chung A, Hoyer FF, Swirski FK, Langer R, Anderson DG, Nahrendorf M
Nanoparticle-encapsulated siRNAs for gene silencing in the haematopoietic stem-cell niche.
Nat Biomed Eng. 2020;4(11):1076-1089 - PMID: 33020600 - PMCID: PMC7655681 - DOI: 10.1038/s41551-020-00623-7
Cheong J, Yu H, Lee CY, Lee JU, Choi HJ, Lee JH, Lee H, Cheon J
Fast detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA via the integration of plasmonic thermocycling and fluorescence detection in a portable device.
Nat Biomed Eng. 2020;4(12):1159-1167 - PMID: 33273713 - PMCID: PMC8202505 - DOI: 10.1038/s41551-020-00654-0
Park J, Park JS, Huang CH, Jo A, Cook K, Wang R, Lin HY, Van Deun J, Li H, Min J, Wang L, Yoon G, Carter BS, Balaj L, Choi GS, Castro CM, Weissleder R, Lee H
An integrated magneto-electrochemical device for the rapid profiling of tumour extracellular vesicles from blood plasma
Nat Biomed Eng. 2021;5(7):678-689 - PMID: 34183802 - PMCID: PMC8437135 - DOI: 10.1038/s41551-021-00752-7
Andreou C, Weissleder R, Kircher MF
Multiplexed imaging in oncology
Nat Biomed Eng. 2022;6(5):527-540 - PMID: 35624151 - DOI: 10.1038/s41551-022-00891-5
Senders ML, Calcagno C, Tawakol A, Nahrendorf M, Mulder WJM, Fayad ZA
PET/MR imaging of inflammation in atherosclerosis.
Nat Biomed Eng. 2022;7(3):202-220 - PMID: 36522465 - DOI: 10.1038/s41551-022-00970-7
Janizek JD, Dincer AB, Celik S, Chen H, Chen W, Naxerova K, Lee SI
Uncovering expression signatures of synergistic drug responses via ensembles of explainable machine-learning models.
Nat Biomed Eng. 2023;7(6):811-829 - PMID: 37127711 - PMCID: PMC11149694 - DOI: 10.1038/s41551-023-01034-0
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Alzheimer's disease: early alterations in brain DNA methylation at ANK1, BIN1, RHBDF2 and other loci.
Nat Neurosci. 2014;17(9):1156-1163 - PMID: 25129075 - PMCID: PMC4292795 - DOI: 10.1038/nn.3786
Herisson F, Frodermann V, Courties G, Rohde D, Sun Y, Vandoorne K, Wojtkiewicz GR, Santos Masson G, Vinegoni C, Kim J, Kim DE, Weissleder R, Swirski FK, Moskowitz MA, Nahrendorf M
Direct vascular channels connect skull bone marrow and the brain surface enabling myeloid cell migration
Nat Neurosci. 2018;21(9):1209-1217 - PMID: 30150661 - PMCID: PMC6148759 - DOI: 10.1038/s41593-018-0213-2
Klein HU, McCabe C, Gjoneska E, Sullivan SE, Kaskow BJ, Tang A, Smith RV, Xu J, Pfenning AR, Bernstein BE, Meissner A, Schneider JA, Mostafavi S, Tsai LH, Young-Pearse TL, Bennett DA, De Jager PL
Epigenome-wide study uncovers large-scale changes in histone acetylation driven by tau pathology in aging and Alzheimer's human brains.
Nat Neurosci. 2018;22(1):37-46 - PMID: 30559478 - PMCID: PMC6516529 - DOI: 10.1038/s41593-018-0291-1
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Neutrophil adhesion in brain capillaries reduces cortical blood flow and impairs memory function in Alzheimer's disease mouse models.
Nat Neurosci. 2019;22(3):413-420 - PMID: 30742116 - PMCID: PMC6508667 - DOI: 10.1038/s41593-018-0329-4
Pulous FE, Cruz-Hernandez JC, Yang C, Kaya Z, Paccalet A, Wojtkiewicz G, Capen D, Brown D, Wu JW, Schloss MJ, Vinegoni C, Richter D, Yamazoe M, Hulsmans M, Momin N, Grune J, Rohde D, McAlpine CS, Panizzi P, Weissleder R, Kim DE, Swirski FK, Lin CP, Moskowitz MA, Nahrendorf M
Cerebrospinal fluid can exit into the skull bone marrow and instruct cranial hematopoiesis in mice with bacterial meningitis.
Nat Neurosci. 2022;25(5):567-576 - PMID: 35501382 - PMCID: PMC9081225 - DOI: 10.1038/s41593-022-01060-2
Pryce KD, Serafini RA, Ramakrishnan A, Nicolais A, Giosan IM, Polizu C, Torres-Berrío A, Vuppala S, Kronman H, Ruiz A, Gaspari S, Peña CJ, Sakloth F, Mitsi V, van Duzer J, Mazitschek R, Jarpe M, Shen L, Nestler EJ, Zachariou V
Oxycodone withdrawal induces HDAC1/HDAC2-dependent transcriptional maladaptations in the reward pathway in a mouse model of peripheral nerve injury.
Nat Neurosci. 2023;26(7):1229-1244 - PMID: 37291337 - PMCID: PMC10752505 - DOI: 10.1038/s41593-023-01350-3
Mazzitelli JA, Pulous FE, Smyth LCD, Kaya Z, Rustenhoven J, Moskowitz MA, Kipnis J, Nahrendorf M
Skull bone marrow channels as immune gateways to the central nervous system.
Nat Neurosci. 2023;26(12):2052-2062 - PMID: 37996526 - PMCID: PMC10894464 - DOI: 10.1038/s41593-023-01487-1
Frodermann V, Nahrendorf M
Macrophages and Cardiovascular Health.
Physiol Rev. 2018;98(4):2523-2569 - PMID: 30156496 - PMCID: PMC6442921 - DOI: 10.1152/physrev.00068.2017
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Multispectral opto-acoustic tomography of deep-seated fluorescent proteins in vivo
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