Carlson, Jonathan, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor

Director, Chemistry platform

Lab: Carlson, Jonathan

Dr. Carlson is an attending hematologist at MGH, with special expertise in inpatient consultative hematology and critical illness, and Director of Chemistry for the MGH Center for Systems Biology, where he has led the chemical development of multiple next-level bioorthogonal tools. He completed his MD and PhD degrees at the University of Minnesota and his training in Internal Medicine, Medical Oncology, and Classical Hematology at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, and Massachusetts General Hospital. Leveraging his unique perspective as a practicing physician-chemist, his team works to invent new bioorthogonal molecular machinery to shed new light on where and when biological events happen—work supported by the NIH (NIGMS R35 MIRA)—and to solve important clinical problems. These efforts have also been fueled by a fruitful transatlantic collaboration with Prof. Hannes Mikula of TU Wien (Vienna, Austria), with ongoing joint projects funded by the European Research Council, Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF, bioTRANSLATE), and Austrian Science Fund (FWF, bioTIMERs).